Christopher Yun Software Engineer • Web Developer

My Story

I am a junior enrolled in the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences at the University of Maryland College Park. I am pursuing and undergraduate degree in computer science, specializing in the areas of data science, machine learning, and web development. With over four years of programming experience, I have contributed to the success of large corporations and have engaged in freelancing projects for smaller enterprises. My primary interests lie in the fields of Software Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning, and Quantitative Finance, although I am open to explore opportunities of any kind.


My favorite languages for systems programming, software engineering, and data analysis.


My preferred technologies for front-end web development and component design.


My preferred technologies for back-end web programming and database architecture.


My favorite tools and services for version control, code editing, and cloud computing.

Featured Projects

Personal Website

Personal Website

I developed and designed a responsive website using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript, hosted on Github Pages, to showcase my web presence, background, work experience, education, projects, and achievements in an interactive and visually-appealing format.

Check it out!
Vesta Technologies LLC

Vesta Technologies LLC

Vesta Technologies was a SaaS application used to scalp for limited edition clothing so our users could sell these items for a premium. We used a highly diverse tech stack to develop proprietary anti-bot solutions and robust server-side systems to manage everything required to run a SaaS application. Our users purchased close to $500,000 worth of products for a cumulative profit of almost $150,000.

Balloons: Bitcamp Hackathon 2022 Winner

Balloons: Bitcamp Hackathon 2022 Winner

Balloons was my Bitcamp 2022 Hackathon project, it won multiple prizes including The Major League Hacking Special Recognition Award and Most Entertaining Project. Balloons is a custom built nerf turret capable of shooting items out of the air. We used OpenCV for locating the projectile then a series of regression models to predict its trajectory. Pyserial and C++ was used to interface and control the turret's Arduino.

Check it out!
Recaptcha V2/V3 Token Generator

Recaptcha V2/V3 Token Generator

My Recaptcha Token Harvester is a proof of concept project used for artificially triggering and solving Recaptcha puzzles so that the solve tokens could be harvested and saved for later usage. It utilizes a Flask API for storing tokens and managing concurrent harvesters, and Electron.js for HTTP request interception and modification. It works on both Version 2 and 3 puzzles as well as any website regardless of security.

Check it out!
SpeakEZ Web Security

SpeakEZ Web Security

SpeakEZ is my own take on creating a Web Application Firewall that takes inspiration from many WAFs I've reverse engineered and solved such as Akamai, PerimeterX, and Datadome. It utilizes an array of browser, hardware, and mouse movements fingerprinting which is then judged on its human-likeness by a neural network written with TensorFlow.

Check it out!